Tag Archives: comic books


For the past ten years we have seen more films based of off comic books than we have ever seen before.  This is great! I love most of the films that come out and I will probably see any film … Continue reading

I Made You A Promise : A Review of Arrow Season 2.

arrow season 2

In the past, the show Arrow had been shaky at best. It had its high points and its low points.  It got to the point where some people just gave up on it altogether.  However, for those who stuck around through the good, the bad and the ugly of it all we were treated with quite a surprise when season 2 rolled its way on to our television screens.  So far season 2 has be fantastic.  It has more layers and deeper story and character arcs for everyone.  We are treated to multiple characters from the DC universe, and sometimes the show is a giant easter egg hunt to find out who’s who.

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Graphically Awesome Weekly: Court of Owls, Harley Quinn, Riddler and more.

I read a good amount of comic books and most of them are on the DC side.  In this series, I will be reviewing books from my pull list.  The next few weeks will be overcrowded with books due to the fact that it is Villains Month at DC and they are putting out two or three of their main titles out every week focusing on different villains.  I will be reviewing books that have villains from my current pull list, or just villains that I love so much I had to pick it up.  Let’s begin, shall we? Continue reading

Aeternus Malum: A Review of Forever Evil #1

evil is relative

Villains. Everyone loves them.  They are what make the hero so heroic, they cause mass mayhem and test our heroes in different ways every movie or issue.  We love reading about them because they are so evil.  They act out things that sometimes we wish we could do.  We revel in the evil they bring us.  If they have a tragic back story?  Even better. We can feel less like a monster when we start loving all the messed up stuff they do.  However, we all know how the standard comic book story goes: the villain messes up stuff, the hero comes in, stops them, the end.  But what if, the hero, nay, all the heroes lost.  Were killed, even.  Well then, you get Forever Evil. Continue reading

Comicky Goodness: A Review of Cannon Canvas Comics’ Übermenschen

So for those of you who didn’t know, a few weeks ago, we went to MonsterCon in Greenville, South Carolina. It was a pretty rad little con. I met up with the guys from Cannon Canvas Comics and grabbed the first issue of Übermenschen.


Yes, I have stripey bedsheets.

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On my planet, it means “hope”: A Double Review of Man Of Steel

Man of Steel seems to be the most polarizing film of 2013. You either absolutely love the film, or you absolutely hate it. There doesn’t seem to be an in-between. With that in mind, we would like to take a look at DC’s latest film and third incarnation of Superman on the big screen. This review will be different from most. It will be from the opinions of both a fan of Superman, and someone who isn’t too fond of the big blue boyscout.


man-of-steel-logo Continue reading

Graphically Awesome: X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills.


This is Graphically Awesome, where I take a look at standalone graphic novels and trade paperbacks and tell you if they are awesome or not.

As a lot of you are aware I am not a huge Marvel fan.  I used to be, but as the years went on and I looked into other things I found that Marvel just wasn’t as good as it used to be.  However, a lot of older Marvel titles are fantastic.  There is also going to be another personal contradiction in this review.

I am not a fan of the X-Men.

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From the Pages (but NOT) to the Screen: The Top Ten Comics to Never See a Film or TV Adaptation-Guest article by StiffMag’s Dave Harlequin!

Ever since I’ve been able to read, I’ve always loved comic books.  They say you never forget your first time, and while I don’t know how true that is overall (I can’t remember my first slice of pizza, my first cup of coffee, or even the name of my first grade teacher,) I know I will never forget the first time I picked up a copy of Marvel’s “Uncanny X-Men.”  It was the winter of 1989, and I was just reading through the small rack of comics at my local grocery store while my mother was shopping.  I ended up sitting in the aisle finding myself mesmerized by the awesome tales of adventure from everyone’s favorite mutant heroes, and couldn’t wait to buy as many books as my meager allowance at the time could provide me. I was 8 years old, and I was officially hooked.  Not long after that, I saw my first ever comic-book-movie, Tim Burton’s “Batman” on a VHS tape that my dad rented at our local video store. I was given a big box of Dad’s old comics upon discovering my love for superheroes, which included plenty of offerings from The Dark Knight, so I was already familiar with the source material… but this was a movie about comics!  Once again, I was hooked.

Ever since that day, I’ve went out of my way to watch every comic book movie and TV show I could, all-the-while building what I’d like to consider a very respectable (and perhaps a bit obsessive) comic collection.  Now, over 20 years later, I’ve seen pretty much every comic or comic-related film and TV show you could imagine, from live-action, to animated, to even motion-comics and documentaries about comic books.  Some were great, some were not so great, but all of them were based on comic books, so I had to see them!  Hollywood found a real market with superhero films and comic-adaptations, and it seems over the past decade or so, they’ve been grabbing up every comic property they could get their hands on… much to the delight (and times disgust) of comic lovers everywhere.  With all of that said, though, what puzzles me the most is just how many truly great comics out there were never adapted for the screen… be that the silver screen or the small screen.

So without further ado, here is my Top Ten list of the best comic books/graphic novels to never see any sort of film or TV adaptation. Enjoy!

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In Defense of DC’s New 52


Jim Lee’s Artwork ❤

In 2011 DC thought up a new marketing strategy to get people to buy more of their comics. At this point, Marvel Comics was kicking their butts when it came to sales, and DC needed something new and fresh. What they did was create something called “The New 52.” A lot of people were wondering if this would be similar to their event 52 in which DC released an issue of the event every week for 52 weeks. We were dead wrong. What they did choose to do was a complete overhaul of the universe combining certain universes and breaking a way new ones and essentially rebooting the entire DC Universe.  Unfortunately this was very controversial and lead to many people dropping DC altogether, and bad mouthing them at any chance they could.  However, unlike some comic fans I am a little more open minded and decided to actually give the new universe a chance. Continue reading

Comically Whedon Part 4: Buffy, Angel and the Whedonverse in Comics


Fray Connections!

We all remember those tragic days; they will live on in history as a moment of great fandom disappointment. Of course, I’m talking about the days that Buffy, Angel and Firefly were all canceled. It left a hole in our hearts, leaving us wanting more and more. For a while, we gave up hope. That is, until 2007, when Joss Whedon surprised us all with the announcement that Buffy was coming back, but not in the way that we thought.

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