Category Archives: TV Series


For the past ten years we have seen more films based of off comic books than we have ever seen before.  This is great! I love most of the films that come out and I will probably see any film … Continue reading

I Made You A Promise : A Review of Arrow Season 2.

arrow season 2

In the past, the show Arrow had been shaky at best. It had its high points and its low points.  It got to the point where some people just gave up on it altogether.  However, for those who stuck around through the good, the bad and the ugly of it all we were treated with quite a surprise when season 2 rolled its way on to our television screens.  So far season 2 has be fantastic.  It has more layers and deeper story and character arcs for everyone.  We are treated to multiple characters from the DC universe, and sometimes the show is a giant easter egg hunt to find out who’s who.

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Raggedy man, goodnight: A Review of the Doctor Who Christmas Special

In May, Mat Smith announced he was retiring from being the Doctor. And, to be honest, most of the fandom felt sad about it. He was our hip, young, cool Doctor. Then Peter Capaldi was announced as the next regeneration. Again, most of the fandom reacted positively (especially after seeing gifs of him in In the Thick of It). So of course, we all expected a great, wonderful, amazing send off for Matt, as great and heartbreaking as we got for David Tennant.


Moffat, you let me down again. Continue reading

Gallifrey Falls No More: A Review of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special

Let’s go ahead and get all the screaming out now, shall we? I’ll give you a minute.

You good?

Alright, let’s talk about some Doctor Who.


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Danger is a Fact of Life for Me Now: Season 6 of True Blood in Review.

trueblood 1

We live in a world where vampires are essentially taking over. In almost every medium, from movies to comic books to television shows. The most notable of all of these and arguably the one that probably turned most people off to vampires forever was “The Twilight Saga.” This has to be one of the most polarizing franchises in existence. You either are head over heels in love with it, or despise it with every fiber of your being. I am personally not a fan of the “saga” as they call it. I find the characters to be shallow, two dimensional and the books to be filled with Mary Sues and Gary Stu’s. Continue reading

Offering Opinions: Why A DC Cinematic Universe Will Work

The following is an opinion piece and does not reflect the views of everyone at the Nerdicon. Opinions are amazing and we hope to hear your opinion on the matter in the comment section below. J

Alex ross DC

Closest thing we have to a live action Justice League so far.

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Do You Feel the Connection? – An Orphan Black Review

Orphan Black poster

The start of summer saw the end of one of the most talked about science fiction shows in a long while – at least the end of its first season anyway. Most of that conversation happened because of one very talented actress. Yes, everything about Orphan Black is good – it’s great, even – but Tatiana Maslany is the reason it all came together into a ten episode season that fans are ranting and raving about. After all, every one is Tatiana. (Don’t worry, though, this is mostly Spoiler Free, except for the fact that they’re clones. But everyone knows that.)

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The Swinging Pendulum: Hannibal, Fannibals, and Bryan Fuller

Hannibal_2_13_13Hannibal Lecter is one of the most well-known fictional characters of all time. Thomas Harris will go down in history for changing crime novels, crime stories, and for creating the popular culture’s need for serial killers. Bryan Fuller will go down in history for creating some of the most beloved television series about death, the after life, and food. All of which were tragically cut short. Hannibal, however, has been renewed for a second season on NBC, something which Bryan Fuller was actually pretty sure about (x).

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God doesn’t want you to be happy; He wants you to be strong–Hemlock Grove review

So Netflix has been doing this really cool thing this year. They’ve started picking up on fans’ habits of watching a season of a television show in a day, and they’ve started creating their own shows. It all started with House of Cards, and it moved on to the Eli Roth-produced horror show Hemlock Grove.

Goodness, there was too much pretty in this show.

Goodness, there was too much pretty in this show.

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Undertaking the Second Half of Arrow Season 1

arrow-CW-bannerI was worried about this show during the first half because the episodes seemed to be hit or miss. There were some fantastic ones, then there were some that made me want to pull my hair out. That,  however, was not the case for the second half of the season. Continue reading